The Witches' Market, also known as El Mercado de las Brujas and La Hechiceria, is a popular tourist attraction located in Cerro Cumbre, a mountain clearing in La Paz, Bolivia.
Address: Melchor Jimenez, La Paz Zona 9, Bolivia
Phone: +591 79563750
Perhaps the most exotic location of La Paz, the Witches Market (Mercado de las Brujas) offers coca-based products (candies, potions, teas), lama fetuses (feti?) and many more weird stuff. It is on Calle Linares, a small dirty road that you can reach by bus from the city center. You can watch some footage in my video “Unconventional Yummy Yummy”.
You could setup the best candid camera ever: when returning to your home country (ideally, USA, Israel or Australia, i.e. countries with rigid custom controls, where bringing an apple will result in a fine), bring back several kilos of coca leaves and assorted products, stuffed into the corpses of the lama pets and fetuses you have purchased with the coca. Film the reaction of the custom officers!!!
Check out my YouTube page for all videos!
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